God Has Given, But You Don’t Have?

What are you thinking when you heard a terminology, “God has given, but you don’t have”! As the believers I believe that we are called for a mission and it could be in any field of work that God has called us to do. Actually it is not just an ordinary work but also we should “engage in” the mission. We should live out the mission and understand it till the deeper level that the Bible intended to teach us. We should survive and spread out the mission as the disciples of Christ that we can testify His proclamation in our family and communities around us included in our workplace. Because in fact, we spend a lot of time in our workplace.
Matthew 28 : 19 “ Go therefore and make disciples of all nations ”. Bakery factory produces bakery, chocolate factory produces bars of chocolate, shoes factory produces shoes, as the disciples of Christ we should produce the disciples of Christ too. The good disciple is not just stay and organize the program of the church, but also involved into the action, action and action of spreading the Gospel.
“God has given, but you don’t have.” It’s not about what you have done, but what have you done with all you have? Do you have the faith to receive it and become no timid? God has given everyone “somethings” in many forms in our life such as time, treasure, money, friend, job, ability, family, talent etc. However, it’s not our own but it’s God’s own and we have a responsibility to develop that. Do we good enough in developing it wisely? For example, God has given us time and healthy body. Have we use it wisely for His glory? God also has given us ability to organize something, mouth to praise Him and spread His words, have we use them to serve God? I think we should realize by faith that we have been given by God “somethings” and we have a responsible to use it.
It’s not about productivity but the heart to use it wisely, that’s the perspective of God as written in Matthew 25:14 about Parable of Talents. “We must having a right view of God equals wise stewardship, what we have is not ours, what we do with what we have reveals our view of God, our view of God determines everything and remembered a day of Accountability will come to all of us, so we must invest what we have been given. It is entrusted to you by God, we must take calculated risks in making wise investments, come out of your comfort zone! apply what you know! the true reward for working well is not more work! It is rewarding you with an increased capacity for greater work, everyone’s given Something by God ”.
All is from God, so that we must use all to glorify Him through our service by that “somethings”. It’s doesn’t matter which is one talent, two talents or five talents. All of them will be asked when the Kingdom strikes back, “ Make your life count ”!


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