Great Commandment

Matthew 28 :18-20 The Jesus' commandment above is known as the Great Commission. We should realize the basic principle that overwhelm the Christ followers is same all the time from age to age. Discipleship is not just a specific calling , but also a lifestyle that manifested by the obedience to God. The important question in the discipleship is "Do we disciple? But what kind of disciple that God want us to nurture? Or the most important question is "what kind of disciple are we?", When God saved us by His grace, He's transformed our hunger including our behavior and willing. we are also taught about the intentional principles and values in the definition of serving God. We are taught how to be fruitful in a service.

Many people are willing to establish relevant churches, but we should remember that relevant must be relevance. Eventually, we are built to be a disciple to make a church. We have to transform our characters by Sustaining our close relationship with Him and with our Godly community to wake our slumbered spiritual up. We have to look at our urgent spiritual's need, the Biblical foundation and the result of the mission that we should do


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